How many text messages do you send/receive just plan dinner with friends?How many meetings does it take to decide on the color of a logo?How many emails do you read that are simply someone else responding to a different persons question?Avoid the mess of sending dozens of text messages or hundreds of emails over hours, minutes, or even weeks. Consensus Builder streamlines the process of getting everyones input: each person only gets relevant messages, and no one is ignored.The process is a series of simple questions and answers. The person starting the cycle (Sender) quickly creates a questionnaire (using the intuitive tools in the app), selects a group of Responders (easily created from contacts lists), and sends the questionnaire out.Responders answer questions using easy-to-use interfaces.The Starter collects the results, which can be easily disseminated or used to create another questionnaire. Responders only see the relevant questionnaires and the relevant results--they are no longer inundated with the noise of everyone elses responses.